Get started for free. No contract, no card required
Enter any webpage you want to monitor and we'll generate captures at your desired frequency.
Our change detection engine will explore each pixel and tell you when and where something changes on a page you monitor.
Record and access the history of the pages you follow, with high-definition screenshots archives.
Get knowledgeable insights on your competitor moves. Every time they change a pixel on their website, you'll be the first to know.
Grow your success through valuable data. Conveniently useful, Pagescreen lets you get fast and efficient overview of your business through screenshot automations.
Pagescreen allows you to create a website monitor with various device resolutions. We simulate the viewport on our machines and provide you with high-quality, pixel-perfect screenshots.
You can easily customize the viewport size and save your screenshot preferences with our dedicated Template section.
We make it easy for you to track all the pages of a single website you monitor for changes. Our automatic grouping feature simplifies your research.
Don't miss an update, market signal, important news or even small adjustments.
Create an automation for each page you want to monitor. As soon as a visual change is detected, you receive a notification and you can easily see what has changed.
Define both the frequency (hourly, daily, weekly ....) and the level of alert at which you want to receive a notification.
Trusted by 4000+ Industry Leaders
Forward-thinking companies, from growing businesses to large enterprises use Pagescreen to power their business intelligence.
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